Planning a history #3: Images
This is the final of three articles about planning and preparing a history of your organisation. This post focusses on sourcing, managing, and preparing images.
Planning a history #2: Writing
This article provides information on preparing a history of your organisation. This post focusses on planning and writing using a simple pyramid planning structure.
Planning a history #1: People
This three-part blog post provides some strategies and tips to help you embark on writing a history of your organisation. The posts are based on my experience of managing these large projects for a variety of clients from associations and corporates to not-for-profits and government departments.
New South Wales and the Great War
This accessible and visually stunning social history looks at the impact of the Great War on the men and women of New South Wales at home and those on the battlefronts. Containing 52 double-page spread chapters that comprise text, images of artefacts and objects from public and private collections, and photographs (many of which are previously unpublished), leafing through the pages of this book is much like the experience of visiting a museum.
Make your readers feel
Writing a book is a complex task. It's not always clear what makes for a successful book, but are there are three elements that help engage readers: content, style and emotion...
The philanthropic author
Publishing a book for your business, or in your area of expertise, should be as much a philanthropic process as it is about showcasing your expertise. If not, the book would be too much about you, and ask yourself, honestly, why would l want to read about you?
Timor-Leste Veterans Visit
Over the past two weeks, Longueville Media had the pleasure of launching our most recent book for the Government of Timor-Leste: Enduring Memories – Timor-Leste’s resistance veterans & the 2015 Centenary of Anzac Tour.
"[Enduring Memories] represents the special relationship between not only the veterans from Australia and Timor-Leste, but also the special relationship between our peoples." – HE Xanana Gusmao