
marketing David Longfield marketing David Longfield

Take your prospects out to dinner

Engaging with you clients or prospects is critical. But how is it best done? 

From a young age we have stories read to us because they help us understand and engage with complex concepts, or simply entertain us. This ability to absorb information so effectively through storytelling is hard-wired into our brains

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marketing David Longfield marketing David Longfield

Marketing: tools of the trade

Writing a book is essentially the same as setting up a small business. You have created a product, now its time to tell people it's available to buy. Hopefully they will love your book and recommend it to their friends and family. So to get that word of mouth going, here are details of free or inexpensive resources available to help you market and sell your book from our New Media Sales Wheel.

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marketing David Longfield marketing David Longfield

Panoramic Marketing

Authors should view their marketing activities as a panorama that covers a range of interlinking platforms. These should include a mix of on- and off-line campaigns, many of which are free.

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