Vonnegut for business writing
The American writer Kurt Vonnegut used to tell his writing students to make their ‘characters want something straight away – even if it’s only a glass of water’. There is a useful point here for non-fiction business writing.
Creating a book for your business
In the publishing world, when a new book is created by a publishing company it's called commissioning a new title. The process a publisher, or commissioning editor, embarks on is a mix of identifying the market(s) for the book and working out structure and content to ensure it covers all the essential topics in its particular subject area.
Remember the eBook?
It seems I'm not the only one having trouble navigating or remembering the details of what I read in eBooks ... and perhaps biology is to blame
Sending files too large to email
There is a free service for sending files that are too large to email called wetransfer.com. This service allows you to securely send files up to 2GB
The publisher–author relationship
A useful perspective when publishing your book is to view the publishing process as a business-to-business relationship where we like to see the author and publisher as partners, each dedicating time to their areas of expertise.