
ebooks David Longfield ebooks David Longfield

Quirks of ePub

I had an experience with the National Library of Australia this morning that made me realise how young ePub technology is in practice and that even large organisations are still working things out. 

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commemorative books, history David Longfield commemorative books, history David Longfield

New South Wales and the Great War

This accessible and visually stunning social history looks at the impact of the Great War on the men and women of New South Wales at home and those on the battlefronts. Containing 52 double-page spread chapters that comprise text, images of artefacts and objects from public and private collections, and photographs (many of which are previously unpublished), leafing through the pages of this book is much like the experience of visiting a museum.

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business books David Longfield business books David Longfield

Business/Life on Public Speaking

Masterful public speaking is an essential skill for stand-out business leadership. While the internet has opened up a plethora of at-your-desk platforms that allow you to easily and quickly share your views, breakthroughs, and hardships in writing, the spoken word remains immensely powerful.

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